Design Process deliverables
I’ve been writing up my version of the design process — particularly for complex service & systems challenges. Part of this undertaking has been figuring out which methods…
I’ve been writing up my version of the design process — particularly for complex service & systems challenges. Part of this undertaking has been figuring out which methods…
Here is a design method that I’ve used in some of my projects. It’s useful during the user research and the ideating phases of a design process.
Here is a report via Institute of the Future: a report on Future Work Skills 2020, about what future skills are needed in the next decade. Global connectivity,…
For some of my design workshops, I have been encouraging groups to do more Feasibility & Viability Reviews of their prototypes — even if these prototypes are more…
As I’m planning out my Spring quarter Intro to Legal Design class, I’m thinking a lot about how to lay out ground-rules for the student teams that will…
I found this big drawing that I must have made sometime in 2013, thinking about what kind of projects need to happen, applying design to consumer law, law…
One tool I’ve been playing with while running workshops & doing my own design work has been a scaling diagram. It pushes the designer to take the problem…
I am in Design-Workshop season right now, running a whole lot of sessions to introduce people to user-centered design & run through a generative cycle, to come up…
Leysia Palen of Univ. of Colorado Boulder has made an interesting, succinct one-sheet to lay out different research methods for people working in tech and design. It makes…
I talk all the time about user-centered design — how to make your work product more user-friendly & engaging — but how to actually ensure your work really…
I have been working on several legal designs over the past few months — scoping out how new interactive tech products should behave, what kind of experiences users…
When giving a talk — whether it’s a three minute pitch of a new idea, or a forty minute lecture on a topic — I find it very…
A quick sketch from my notebook, on how a design-driven innovation team can be set up. The core group should be small — 5 people or under —…
Over the past month, I’ve been doing a series of interviews with all kinds of people working in legal innovation. Some are focused on visualizing law, others on…
A sketchnote about one of the fundamental parts of the design process: Prototyping to Think. The quicker we start to build, sketch, act out, and otherwise make our…
Here’s a quick-note mindmap that I made while laying out notes for a paper I’m working on, defining what Legal Design is, and how design approaches can serve…
Last week I hosted a Visual Law Meetup at Stanford d.school. You can see a written report of the event over at LegalTechDesign. From our exercises, sharing &…
I have been creating more resources for the Visual Law Meetup that will be happening today at Stanford d.school. I’ve been making guides to a visual design process,…
The second phase of the design process is Scoping & Defining a Design Brief. It moves on from the first phase of user research & understanding the status…
How do we brainstorm well in the legal world? I know plenty about what Ideal Brainstorming might look like, from my time at the d.school. But the truth…
Here is a sketchnote I drafted for a general audience, to explain the value of taking a design approach to solving a problem. The term ‘wicked problems’ comes…
I drew this note a few months ago, when I was still a fellow at Stanford’s d.school — and thinking a lot about how we as lawyers can…
Here is another sketchnote I made during a health care hackathon at Stanford Medical School, that focused on how to engage patients in their own medical care. Many…
This past weekend, I attended a health-care hackathon at Stanford, with the aim to increase Patient Engagement with their own care. I was on the hunt for analogies…
As I’ve been writing up my design process, I’ve been creating some more tools and templates. Here is one for the ‘scoping’ and ‘understanding’ part of design work:…
Over on Cornell’s VoxPopulii Blog, I just posted up a comprehensive write-up on a Legal Communication Design pop-up-class that I had taught with Kursat Ozenc & Alex Gavis…
A very simple illustration, made for one of my recent presentations explaining what design is to lawyers, and how it could be useful to their work.
Earlier this month, I attended an open Design Lunch at Autodesk in downtown SF. Chris Noessel, a designer at the Cooper design firm, presented on the topic: How…
Here is a visual I made for some of the recent workshops I’ve been running on Legal Design. As I present the concept of ‘design’ to a roomful…
Here is a workbook I’ve made, for use in the Legal Design Workshops I’ve run with lawyers, law students, and others. This challenge was crafted for experienced lawyers,…
Originally posted on the d.school’s Whiteboard
For my Get Smart communication design class, I made some handouts to guide the student teams through their work. One of them was about the different vectors a…
A quick sketch of the general way people — students or practitioners — learning the Law By Design process can flow. A lot of details contained in each…
Some more props & tools that I’ve been using in system designs. These are good for synthesizing research & notes — and then focusing in on what exactly…
I’ve been creating lots of tools & props for use by (beginner) designers in their attempts to understand a complex situation & craft good interventions, to improve the…
Isaac Parker, a digital agency in the UK, has created a tool for designers & lawyers working on mapping flows of user services. The pack boils down common…
This is a design method prop that I’ve been using to help workshop goers & students of legal design. The purpose is to use the sheet to crystallize…
I originally posted this over at the d.school’s Whiteboard.
My article on the potential for Design Thinking & Law is now published over at the ABA’s Law Practice Today, Innovation Issue. Here is a copy of the…