Experimenting with digital public services, in health #xbd2018
One case study on Experimentation By Design, around digital transformation of information for patients coming into the hospital. This comes from a Danish startup Emento that has built…
One case study on Experimentation By Design, around digital transformation of information for patients coming into the hospital. This comes from a Danish startup Emento that has built…
Kicking off a day of strategic design in Denmark, about better policy-making that uses human-centered experiments.
There is an interesting movement in public health research, around using people’s online posts, clicks, website visits, searches, and other behavior to better understand what health issues are:…
My sketches and notes for how our current loose coalition around Access to Justice could be stronger and more coherent — from the Fordham law A2J Summit today.
A vision of how an Access to Justice movement might blossom, with more judges involved –and with many examples from New York. From the former chief Justice of…
I have been attending many court innovation conferences over the past year, and taking notes about what points of friction + failure arise as the institutions try to…
I made this sketch of a talk I attended in Australia, where various law firm leaders and business/management professors were talking about how disruption is coming into law…
Here are my drawn notes about the most effective ways to communicate quantitative data, for others to understand – and for focus on the most meaningful points.
I have been reading a tremendous amount of policy and design literature, to find some worthwhile grounding of my Lab’s design work in the civil justice sphere, in…
After doing a few months of user testing in courts, testing out different ideas for innovation — I’m more intent on chat-based, dialogue tools as a promising way…
For the court user testing I am working on at the Legal Design Lab, we have been testing different ideas to make court process more navigable — getting…
If we frame access to justice innovation around scouting what problems people have that might lead to legal or life crisis finding patterns of issues and how they…
When we think of how to communicate a policy, a rule, a legal process better — we can think of 3 different levels of how we might use…
One of the teams in my Intro to Legal Design class this quarter is working with Legal Services of North Florida to think through a replication strategy for…
I have been teaching and writing on how the Access to Justice movement might improve its innovations by including a wider community in its policy-making. My colleague Verena…
The hot topic at court and access to justice conferences this year has been around how to make the new wave of algorithms and automated decision tools more…
As more law school labs, hackathons, and innovation work lead to more individual products and services that aim to increase access to need to think about how to…
Yesterday I went to Suffolk Law School’s Clinnovation conference, to talk about how law school labs are growing In number and scope, sometimes in partnership with clinics. Labs…
A few weeks ago, I and a few of my students from Stanford participated as volunteer designers at a weeklong sprint in San Francisco — to improve how…
Oftentimes, conversation about privacy communication design gets caught in a debate about oversimplification versus overcomplication. What’s emerging today at our meeting at University of Bologna is discussion of…
Facebook has been developing an open source design program to workshop new privacy user experiences. The idea is to prevent lawyer teams from owning privacy communication, as well…
Dan Hayden, a privacy and data strategist from Facebook, presents on new models of creativity and innovation around how companies interact with people around data privacy. How do…
At the University of Bologna, today we are focusing on how to use legal design and informatics, particularly for communication around digital privacy. One of the speakers is…
One of the best sessions at the SRLN 2018 conference in San Francisco in February was one on AI, Ethics, and Decision-making. Speaking at it were Angie Tripp,…
Last Friday, I attended the second day of the Self-Represented Litigation Network’s yearly conference in San Francisco. I presented on the text messenger I am building with Legal…
I am putting more of my visuals up on Noun Project, so anyone can use this visual language for legal issues and things. You can download them for…
At a recent class on Community-Led System Design, we were lucky to be joined by Verena Kontschieder, a visiting researcher at Stanford’s Center for Design Research. She is…
This year, my work at the Legal Design Lab is shifting from the strictly generative and experimental, to more evaluation and development. That means we’re not working so…
Last week I was in New Orleans at one of the largest legal aid and self-help Innovacion conferences, sponsored by the Legal Services Corporation. I presented on a…
A page from my notebook during a recent conference, all about structuring legal help online in better ways. Engagement is such a huge challenge — and we can…
What does it mean to take a ‘design approach’ to innovation, especially around legal and social services? I made this sketch to make it clear. The key principle…
Last week I went to Orlando to participate in a share-out to the Florida Bar Foundation, by the core design team that worked over the past year to…
The federal agency the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has an innovation unit, the Lab. Through the Legal Design Lab, I have been lucky to work with them…
How can courts, especially those that serve self-represented litigants, test their new ideas for improvements directly with their users? I sketched out these thoughts at the Court Technology…
As a part of integrating various design workshops and product development into one resource, I have been assembling the Legal Communication Design resource as a part of the…
I had the pleasure of meeting Aafke Frederik of Studio Pen on a recent trip to the Netherlands, where I was talking about how visual design can be…
I’ve been honored to be the design facilitator on the Escambia Project, a community-driven design initiative in Pensacola, Florida, to reimagine, prototype, and pilot new ways to get…
More details from the Dottir-Varma-Hellon case study of human centered redesign of legal documents and contracts. A document is not just a product, it is a system and…
At the Legal Design Summit in Helsinki, a profile of how Dottir, Varma , and Hellon — a law firm, client, and service design agency, came together to…
In the UK, there was a (seemingly now defunct) service design effort to support people who were called on to be witnesses in a criminal justice case. Called,…