The product of a slightly absurd lunchtime conversation with Manal.
TheFirstYear is an online platform with 1L law content. Anyone can sign up to access it — watch the videos, and take quizzes once they are made available.…
This is a new concept I’m playing around with, in the area of Legal Visualizations: Legal Visual Mnemonics. I see all these memorization tools for legal rules with…
At the Fwd.Us DREAMer hackathon last week, I was tremendously impressed with the team who made #Undoculife. It’s a web-based interactive game, featuring a main character who’s an…
I’ve just posted a project summary up for my team’s work at the DREAMer Hackathon at the Program for Legal Tech & Design’s site. Come over &…
For part of the DREAMer Hackathon the past 2 days in Mountain View, I started prototyping some uber-simple infograhpics of (often crazy) immigration narratives. I wanted to…
Ida Benedetto talks with the Open Law Lab about how she helps people understand issues of consequence through a combination of play and surprise. As a founder of…
My Program for Legal Tech & Design held its first Law By Design workshop this past weekend at Stanford’s We challenged attendees to go from one-line ideas…
I’m excited to announce that Ron Dolin & I have started a new Program for Legal Tech & Design at Stanford. We’re based out of Stanford Institute of…
I posted this originally on the’s Whiteboard blog!
I started programming law games in Summer 2012, when I went from just thinking about my idea of “Law Dojo” and making it real. Since then, I’ve gotten…
I just found out about Judgepedia, a site that collects information about courts and judges, in a shared wiki. Its primary user seems to be someone interested in…
I’ve been thinking a lot about Consumer Law Design — meaning, how do we build new products & experiences for lay people who want to get their legal…
Thanks to Nikki for writing in to let me know about Antidote Games, a studio that produces complex interactive games, to build understanding & knowledge among the players.…
I just discovered a rich design document & user research study conducted by a team out of Harvard’s Berkman Center in 2010. It looks at how more access…
I drew this for my Stanford Design School fellowship, to be featured on the school’s site The Whiteboard. I hope it can be of use to anyone who…
I have been thinking about how to bring other people on board, to my driving mission of getting new, innovative & human-centered legal projects rolled out. One of…
One of my current projects is assembling together a Legal Design toolbox for legal professionals to integrate design into their practice. A cluster of these tools are those…
Ted Olson and David Boies, the legal team behind Prop 8, have been working with the ABA, worked with a task force on the Preservation of the Justice…
A sketchnote from late September…
We’ve had OVERWHELMING response to our Legal Design Jam outreach for next Friday at Stanford’s So we are adding on a Day 2, on October 12th, from…
Stanford students & beyond are invited to come by Stanford’s, to talk about projects in legal tech & design that they’re working on (or considering) — or…
In 1994, Richard Zorza and Judge Robert Keating published a paper full of insights from their attempt to redesign the interfaces that judges & court officials used when…
Here is another current initiative for Access to Justice through design/tech: Pocket DACA. Pocket DACA is an app, released this summer for free for Android & IOS, to…
I’ve been searching around for the current landscape of actual initiatives & concept designs for tech tools to provide more access to justice. I went back to a…
Another offline idea for Access to Justice (thanks to Briane for the mention!) — this time being piloted by attorney Donald Howard in New Britain, Connecticut. The Connecticut…
The San Francisco city government launched SF Open Law this week — to make all of its laws open for people who code, build, and design to use.…
A loose group of people have built a website to help users of the main providers of web applications navigate Terms of Service (which I don’t read, and…
Here’s a short, unnarrated overview of legal tech tools from Legal Services NTAP that lawyers & others could use to organize their projects, do better research, work on…
Charles Owen has been a professor of design at the Illinois Institute of Design for several decades. In an excellent 2006 article in Design Research Quarterly that discussed…
My quick sketchnote from a team session witj Stanford’s resident therapist, the d.shrink. How to make sure a team works in sync, to maximum potential? How to…
By Mike Rohde, its an excellent primer and portfolio of drawn notes and low fidelity information design. Buy this, use this!
A nice graphic look at areas of design, from Stefanie di Russo.
I stumbled across this *terrific* sum-up of how ‘Design Thinking’ came to be over the past few decades, from Swiburne Univesrity School of Design PhD candidate Stefanie Di…