Should we regulate public data like a community swimming pool?
A sketch of Arjuna Dibley and Rachelle Cole’s talk on how we might conceive of government/public data not as private goods or public goods, but as club goods.…
A sketch of Arjuna Dibley and Rachelle Cole’s talk on how we might conceive of government/public data not as private goods or public goods, but as club goods.…
Interesting discussion at the Digital Citizens Conference: do we need new laws, bills of rights, etc. to respond to the concerns around privacy, manipulation, surveillance, and profiling? These…
Today I am at the University of Melbourne at the Digital Citizens conference, where the discussion is about concerns arising around data markets and AI interventions. Will there…
Hat tip to Helena Haapio for sending these on: Two different websites chronicling ways to protect people’s data privacy online. There is Prvacypatterns.org and PrivacyPatterns.EU. Both sites lay…
As the EU’s large new data privacy regulation rolls out next year, there is some work to ease the burdens of complying with it. For example, the Norwegian…
Last week, I spoke at Facebook’s Privacy@Scale one-day conference, on new directions of privacy design in the era of big data and ubiquitous tech. Here are my drawings…
Alessandro Carrelli is a PhD researcher at Loughborough Design School, where he is investigating how to bring better user experience and higher quality consent for privacy transactions online. Why…
Yesterday, I attended the Stanford Cyber Initiative’s event with California Attorney General Kamala Harris. It was about the AG’s office release of the 2015 Data Breach report. Much…
I dug out some old sketchnotes I made in 2011 at a Harvard Law conference, iLaw, on the future of the Internet and how the law would affect…
These sketches date back a few years, when I was working on online privacy mechanisms. I put them here as provocations, and inspiration.
Carnegie Mellon’s CUPS group, who works on making usable privacy projects for normal people, has just launched a new project. They have published a collection of banks’ privacy…
A loose group of people have built a website to help users of the main providers of web applications navigate Terms of Service (which I don’t read, and…
I’ve been scouring around for guidelines that will keep lawyers and companies on track when composing & displaying Privacy Notices. It’s obvious — we need a clearer…
The CyLab at Carnegie Mellon University is one of the only centers looking at how to compose & display effective privacy notices online and off. One of their…
The SikhCoalition has put together an ingenious app out to crowdsource reports of discrimination at airports and on airlines. If the government and companies won’t release information about…
This is a chart from a general discussion of how new trends in tech are adopted — but I have got to imagine it is quite different in…
Stealth Wear by Adam Harvey is an art-project, prototype version of protective clothing, that stops the wearer from being surveilled — or targeted for drone strikes. It has…
This slideshow presents the project “Advancement through Interactive Radio”, which details ways for community members — especially women — to broadcast radio programs and talk back to them.…
This article details one youth-radio training effort by US activists, going into camps in Palestine to teach young people how to run their own radio programs. As the…
This report by the UN, entitled To Complain or Not to Complain?, highlights the inabilities and challenges for refugees (and other aid-beneficiaries) who hesitate to report sexual abuse…
UNHCR Innovation on Prezi, an August 2012 presentation by Chris Earney on how UNHCR and Refugees
UNHCR Innovation on Prezi, an August 2012 presentation by Chris Earney on how UNHCR and Refugees can use technology to promote social innovation for refugees’ agency & welfare.
My design team is exploring how refugees can be given agency + better access to information through radio technology. There are a few current programs that have been…
The M-Jirga from Colin Rule A presentation by Colin Rule, of Online Dispute Resolution fame, on a concept design for a mobile traditional justice platform. The m-Jirga…
A quick sketched brainstorm of ways that UNHCR and Refugees communication channels could be improved, for my Redesigning the Refugee Experience class.
One case — Muslim Community Ass’n of Ann Arbor v. Ashcroft — brought this issue to US federal courts in 2003. Muslim and Arab organizations in Michigan sued…
http://popplet.com/app/#/535625 This is my law/design class’ brainstorm on problems refugees & the UNHCR face in communication. There are many challenges, especially in opening more reliable, trustworthy, & resonant…
Some observations on refugee redesign, with problems and insights about how tech and design could help their communication.
I am trying to compile some best practices of dispute resolution mechanisms inside refugee communities. I’ve found some good leads, including this write-up of design interventions in a…
Frank Smyth at the Committee to Protect Journalists writes about a chat tool, Cryptocat, developed with cryptography protections to give Ease of Use & Strong Protections to those…
One possible redesign of refugee camps from Odin Wright, built around the concept of ancient fortresses. The main motivation is protection from outside incursion, not necessarily welfare of…
Another talking head, this time on politicians vs. engineers, re: control of the Internet, drawn at Stanford Law School.
In July 2007, researcher Dawinder S. Sidhu commissioned the University of Oklahoma’s Public Opinion Learning Laboratory (UOPOLL) to conduct a survey that investigated “if and to what extent…
In response to the NYPD’s massive surveillance campaign against Muslims on the East Coast, a wonderful Tumblr with people voluntarily mapping & surveilling themselves. A project from CUNY’s…
an excerpt from an article by Jacqueline Novogratz, on the Huffington Post, highlighting some good redesign elements at a Pakistani refugee camp: We drive north along the old…
This answer is never going to be totally clearcut (hello, Law!), but there is one important test you have to pass, in order to sue the government for…
Turkey – Google Soap Opera: Taxes + Freedom of Expression When the strained relationship between Google + the Turkish government has been discussed in the Western press, most…
Chilling effects of government surveillance on individuals In the wake of reports of NYPD surveillance of Muslim communities along the East Coast, Frank Askin in New Jersey asks…