Does “The Innovator’s Dilemma” Apply to the Legal Industry? Post author By Margaret Post categories In Concepts & Ideas, Legal Professionals redesigned, Project Subject, Project Type Ron Dolin, discussing his recent paper on Clayton Christensen’s “The Innovator’s Dilemma” and how it may or may not apply to the legal industry. Post date 05/19/2015 Post navigation ←Previous post:Ron Dolin: New Values in the Legal Marketplace→Next post:The changing ways in which General Counsels respond to cost pressures
Bar Review Apps There are a host of apps (some free, some paid) for studying law. Most are oriented towards preparing for law bar exams, but they can be useful more… Post date 03/14/2012
A Beginner’s List of Links for those interested in visuals + law I was having a conversation with a professor this morning who is interested in amplifying her work in doing diagramming, drawing, and visualizations in law. We had a… Post date 02/15/2019