To innovate lawyers must democratize their client relationships #abafutures Post author By Margaret Post categories In Access to Justice, Concepts & Ideas, Project Subject, Project Type Some more radical thoughts from Denis Weil, provoking lawyers to rethink how they relate to their users to find effective paths toward innovation. Post date 05/03/2015 Post navigation ←Previous post:Why aren’t all legal docs machine readable? #abafutures→Next post:How could the legal profession cultivate innovators? #abafutures
Legal concept designs for online privacy awareness These sketches date back a few years, when I was working on online privacy mechanisms. I put them here as provocations, and inspiration. Post date 11/12/2014
Can we standardize Legal Warning icons? Inspired by the Mozilla/Aza Raskin’s Privacy Icons project, I’ve been thinking about how we can improve how we communicate legal warnings online. Particularly, I’m thinking of those standard… Post date 02/12/2015