Law Visual: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Post author By Margaret Post categories In Law Visuals, Project Subject A quick illustration of a tort! Post date 01/23/2014 Tags Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Law Visual, Legal Illustration, Torts Post navigation ←Previous post:Making Informed Designers→Next post:Estate Quest video game for estate planning
Taking stock of our current state of legal help digital tools Yesterday I went to the ABA Midyear meeting to attend the Center for Innovation meeting, and also sit in on a session about ‘Maybe there’s an app for… Post date 01/27/2019
Where is the Plan for Access to Justice? A vision of how an Access to Justice movement might blossom, with more judges involved –and with many examples from New York. From the former chief Justice of… Post date 10/02/2018