Hi.I love your work. I am a new attorney and am trying to figuire my way around the court. I was wondering if you can help me with a flow chart for ohio criminal procedure. I am specifically wondering when rule 5(b) fits in.
Hi — If you have any relevant materials, just send them on. Email: margaret (at) margarethagan (dot) com We can talk more!
THanks! Margaret
These are the most beautiful flow charts I’ve ever seen. Thank you and Congratulations, nice job.
Law professors Neal Feigenson and Christina Spiesel published the book Law on Display in 2011. They make the argument that visuals are becoming increasingly powerful in legal courtrooms:…
Hi.I love your work. I am a new attorney and am trying to figuire my way around the court. I was wondering if you can help me with a flow chart for ohio criminal procedure. I am specifically wondering when rule 5(b) fits in.
Hi — If you have any relevant materials, just send them on. Email: margaret (at) margarethagan (dot) com We can talk more!
THanks! Margaret
These are the most beautiful flow charts I’ve ever seen. Thank you and Congratulations, nice job.