Politicians vs. The Internet Post author By Margaret Post categories In Tech, Democracy & Human RIghts Another talking head, this time on politicians vs. engineers, re: control of the Internet, drawn at Stanford Law School. Post date 09/05/2012 Tags control of the internet, gigi sohn, internet law, Politicians vs the Internet, Stanford Law School Post navigation ←Previous post:Has government surveillance chilled Muslims online?→Next post:Possible Refugee Camp Redesign
Legal Force usable law Usable law design from Legal Force, in the quick snapshot handouts it provides passersby at it store in Palo Alto. Post date 03/12/2013
Roompact: Contracting & Conflict Resolution software for roommates The New York Times profiled the start-up Roompact yesterday, framing it as a roommate dispute tool. It also is a legal product — it’s a platform for two… Post date 07/21/2014